主 要 參 數 Main Technical Data
型號 DBX-1700
Type: DBX -17 00
額定電壓 三相交流
Rated voltage: 3-Phase A/C
頻率 60HZ
Frequency: 60HZ
額定功率 加熱體12KW, 動力系統0.55KW
Rated power: heating body: 12kw, power system:0.55kw
發熱方式 油導熱
Heating method: heat transfer by oil
毯帶尺寸 1.75m(寬)×2.48m(周長)
Belt size: 1.75m(w)×2.48m(Perimeter )
主機淨尺 2.26m(長)×0.7m(寬)×1.35m(高)
Equipment net size: 2.26m(L)×0.7m(W)×1.35m(H)
淨重 635kg (約)
Net weight: Approx.635kg
噪聲值 30dB
Noise level: 30dB
Note: The above data shall be based on actual equipment and please forgive us for not informing separately in case of any amendments.
安 裝 Installation
1. 開箱后,請檢查主機上各個部位螺絲是否在運輸途中鬆動,如有請擰緊。
After unpacking the package, please check whether the screws at various locations of the equipment are loosened during the transportation, if so, please tighten the screws.
2. DBX-1700型數碼印花設備,淨重約635KG,應放置在有足夠承托力的水平面上。
The net weight of DBX-1700 type digital printing equipment is about 635kgs and the equipment shall be installed on flat surface with enough loading bearing capacity;
3. 本設備應在通風乾燥,無腐濁性氣體的環境中使用。切勿在設備週圍放置易燃易爆物品。
The equipment shall be operated in ventilated and dry environment with no corrosive gases; it is not allowed to place explosive and inflammable objects around the equipment;
4. 警告—為了防止觸電,使用前必須確保此設備接地良好!
Warning: the equipment shall have excellent earthing connection prior to operation to avoid electric shock;
5. 必須按額定功率,連接相應線徑的電源線。請用國標8平方的銅芯線或電纜線。
Connect the power lines with corresponding diameters as per the rated power; use the standard 82 copper core cables or electric cables;
6. 接線圖如下:Wiring diagram as following:
功 能 示 意 圖 Performance Sketch
① 發熱筒 ─ 為轉印提供熱能
Heating tube – provide heating energy for transfer printing;
② 下進料時作為剷紙用,上進料時作為平台接口用
Used for paper loading at the time of lower material input; or used as platform interface at the time of upper material input;
③ 工作平台 ─ 轉印紙和麵料的載體
Working platform – carrier of transfer paper and material
④ 放紙器 ─ 放置轉印紙
Paper loader – for loading transfer paper
⑤ 放布器 ─ 放置卷型或長幅面料
Fabric loader – for loading roll type or long fabric;
⑥ 脫離器手輪 ─ 轉動時可使毯帶脫離或復位
Hand wheel of detached device – the belt may be detached or reset while in rotation.
控 制 面 板 說 明 Control Panel Instruction
變頻控制面板 VFC(Variable Frequency Control) panel
1,溫度控制儀temperature control--- TO control and adjustthe temperature
2,變頻控制面板 VFC(Variable frequency control panel—to adjust and operate the mainframe's speed and direction調節主機的快慢及運轉方向.
3,總電源按鈕overall power button---控制操作面板上的電源open or shut off the power
4,加溫按鈕warm up button—控制發熱體電源的通斷to open or shut off the heater's power
5,變頻啟動按鈕transducer starting button—控制變頻器的運行和停止 to start or stop the transducer
6,卷布器調速旋鈕rolling fabric's timing button—改變卷布器的速度.to adjust the rolling fabrics speed
7,換向開關changing direction button—用以改變卷布軸的運轉方向to change the roller's direction
[the operation of VFC controller refers to the operation manual of VFC controller]
操 作 方 法 Operation Method
1. 確認機體良好接地和電源接線無誤后,推上機箱內斷路器,然後,按下“總電源”按鈕,再按下變頻控制面板上“運行”鍵,把頻率調在適當位置上。
After confirming the good earthing and correct power wiring of the system, set the breaker inside the case at on position, then press the button for “general power”, then press the “VFC Run” key on the VFC panel and adjust the frequency to the suitable position;
2. 按下“加溫”鍵,設定好所需溫度,此數據靠客戶根據不同的面料成分而定。我廠建議,客戶在到達設定溫度時先用小塊面料和轉印紙轉印。如溫度過高和過低,可作出相應調整,以保証大幅轉印品的質量。
Press “heating” key to set the required temperature; which shall be decided according to different fabrics of the customer. We propose that the user shall make trial use by small size fabric and transfer paper when reaching the specified temperature and make corresponding adjustment in case of over high or over low temperature to ensure the quality of final product;
3. 在工作台的放布架和放紙架上放好面料和轉印紙,溫度達到轉印效果時,把面料平服的拉至台板上,放下壓棍,使之進入滾筒內。注意,轉印紙有墨水的一面對着面料,且在面料上面。
Put the fabrics and transfer paper on the fabric holder and paper holder on the working table; when the temperature reaches the level for transfer printing, put the fabrics on the table and lower down the press roller and let the fabrics enter the roller. Note: the side of the transfer paper with ink shall face the fabrics and shall be placed over the fabrics;
4. 在轉印過程中,客戶可根據轉印出的圖案深淺來調整溫度上升或降低,也可調整筒體的速度來控制。
During the transfer printing process, the user may adjust the temperature in accordance with the color of the printed pattern, or adjust the temperature by controlling the speed of the tube.
5. 轉印工作結束后,按下“冷卻”鍵,並轉動手輪把毯帶脫離滾筒,本機停止加溫,當溫度下降到80℃時主機自動停機。
Upon completion of the printing work, press “cooling down” key and turn the hand wheel to remove the belt from roller; and the heating is stopped, when the temperature decreases to 80℃, the equipment will be automatically stopped.
注 意 事 項 Cautions
1. 因為受